Title: Jewel 17 (Pink Parure) | Date: 2021 | Dimensions (boxed): 21 x 17 x 10 in. (Includes: Tiara, earrings, necklace, and matching bracelets) | Materials: Carved mother of pearl circa 1850s through 1930s. Conch shell cameos circa 1900. Rolled gold collar buttons 19 th cen. Iron wire (coat hanger). Silk, cotton, circa 1830 Ruby and Amber Glass paste buttons, 18 carat yellow gold, rose quartz, Persian turquoise, Garnet, Pearl, sterling findings. | Box Materials: 18th century damask silk 18th-century handkerchief silk, Chinese bullion embroidery, c.1900. 18th-century printed linen, archival board, and hand made sterling hooks
Title: Jewel 17 (Pink Parure) (Close up) | Date: 2021 | Dimensions (boxed): 21 x 17 x 10 in. (Includes: Tiara, earrings, necklace, and matching bracelets) | Materials: Carved mother of pearl circa 1850s through 1930s. Conch shell cameos circa 1900. Rolled gold collar buttons 19 th cen. Iron wire (coat hanger). Silk, cotton, circa 1830 Ruby and Amber Glass paste buttons, 18 carat yellow gold, rose quartz, Persian turquoise, Garnet, Pearl, sterling findings.
Title: Jewel 19 (Black Parure) | Date: 2021 | Dimensions: W: 17 in., H (closed): 9 in., H (open): 12 in, D (closed): 15.5 in., D (open): 27 in. | Materials: Lava Cameo c. 1850, Wedgewood Cameo c. 1800, Various Elements of Victorian Mourning Jewelry including Bog Oak, Vulcanite, Horn, Jet and French Jet. Silk, Cotton, Wool, Iron, Gold, Boars Hair, Abalone Cameo, Victorian Buttons, Stoneware, India Ink, Archival Paper, Archival Foamcore and Magic Smooth.
Title: Jewel 19 (Black Parure) - Close Up of Tiara
Title: Jewel 18 (Brown Parure) | Date: 2021 | Dimensions: W: 12.5 in., H (closed): 12.5 in., H (open): 13in., D (closed): 13 in., D (open) 24 in. | Materials: Wool Silk Cotton, Italian and English shell cameos c. 1840-1930, Citrine, Amber, Diamond, Wood, Brass, Iron, Silver, 18k Gold, Leather, Horn, Celluloid Photograph c. 1910, Sea Glass, Japanese Cloisonné, Spanish Toledo Ware Portrait, Bullion Tassel, Golden Acrylic, Archival Paper, Archival Foamcore, and Magic Smooth.
Title: Jewel 18 (Brown Parure) - Close up
Title: Jewel 29 | Date: 2022 | Dimensions: 9.5 x 8.5 x 8.75 in. | Materials: stone Grand Tour scarabs c. 1920, emerald cabochons, forged iron nails, faience ushabti c. 1960, coral beads, scarab beetle shell, 14k gold, silver, Persian turquoise, natural pearls, silk velvet, handkerchief silk, cotton, reclaimed 19th century demi-p
Title: Jewel 13 | Date: 2020 | Materials: c1880 Victorian felt, c1880 silk damask, c1930 kimono silk, c1860 Vaux Hall glass brooch, 18 karat gold, sterling silver, steel, archival foam, archival resin, c1840 porcelain miniature, silk embroidery floss | Dimensions: L 13.5 cm, W 7.5 cm, H 7cm